Thursday, January 04, 2007

Simple...Yet Natural Beauty Remedies for the Beautiful Woman

Below are a few simple natural beauty remedies you can make at home!

Exfoliate while Brushing your Body
Before showering, take a brush and start brushing! This is an inexpensive, and easy way to exfoliate dry skin. It's simple, before you turn the shower on, stand in there and start at your feet, then begin brushing in small circles toward the upper part of your body. Repeat on the back side of your body. Don't scrub too hard. However, be sure to apply steady pressure. After you have finished brushing your body, shower as usual.

Multi-Talented Olive Oil
This is a VERY versitile product. Olive oil can be used for so much more than cooking!

- You can make a very nice bath oil with it...simply mix in a few drops of rose oil, or another scented oil that you like, shake together, and add to you warm bath water...or just go with plain olive oil!

- You can use it as massage oil. Warm it up and start rubbing. Better yet, get someone to rub you!

- Reduce wrinkles by applying an equal mixture of olive oil and pure lemon juice to your skin before bedtime.

- Strengthen your nails. Simply soak them in warm extra virgin olive oil for five minutes.

- As a conditioner. All you do is use it like you would any weekly deep conditioner. Apply warm olive oil to hair, cover head with a towel for 5 minutes, rinse. It will leave your hair smooth and shiny.

Good Old Fashioned Oatmeal
It's facial time! With the following ingredients (oatmeal, warm water, yogurt, honey, and one egg white), make a thin mud type mixture and apply it thinly to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, or until you feel a tightening, then rinse with warm water.

These are just a few of the MANY wonderful things to learn at the Complete Woman Magazine's
Beautiful Woman section. Why don't you stop by? Share your own tips here if you like as well... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tips! I hadn't heard about olive oil strengthening the nails, but I'll have to try that.

I have also heard that olive oil can be good for temporarily relieving earaches. Warm it up like you do milk in a baby's bottle (running it under hot water), then drop it into the ear with an eardropper. I haven't tried it yet (actually forgot about it until now), but will try it next time.